What is a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)?

If you were to get severely ill and not able to make decisions yourself, who would you want to make these decisions for you? These could be decisions with regards to Property and Wealth, as well as to do with Health and Welfare. It is very important to appoint somebody you trust to take care of your needs and make decisions in your interest should you become not capable. This person (or people) would then become known as your attorney(s)

The two types of LPA are separate and are for different things

Property and Wealth

This concerns your finances and property. Your attorney would be responsible for ensuring all
your bills are paid, all your income received and that your property is looked after. There are conditions that you can place on the power the attorney has if you so wish.

Health and Welfare

If you are in need of care the attorney can make this decision for you. They would ensure you receive
whatever you have stated when you are unable to make the decision yourself. Other things with this type of LPA include the power to accept or refuse life saving treatment according to your wishes.

Making an LPA now can give you the peace of mind that somebody you trust will be taking care of your interests, should you become unable to make decisions yourself.

It is important to note that to create an LPA you need to have the capacity to make the decision at the time of creation, so this is not something you can create if you are deemed not to have mental capacity when you wish to create one.